Sayo Senoo est une artiste pluridisciplinaire née au Japon et basée en France. Son travail commence par la récupération de déchets dans la rue et de photos anonymes trouvées en ligne. Elle transforme manuellement ces objets trouvés pour les rendre visuellement attrayants. À travers le rire, la poésie et l’art, elle cherche à proposer une approche douce de réalités t ignorée dans la société. Son activité d’auto-édition, débuté en 2019, est pour elle un moyen de documenter ses travaux éphémères, mais aussi un médium de création à part entière. Toutes ses publications et tous ses objets sont délicatement fabriqués à la main par elle-même, en édition limitée.
Pour ventes et plus d'informations, merci de me contacter. ✎
Sayo Senoo is a multidisciplinary artist born in Japan and based in France. Her work begins with salvaging waste from the street and anonymous photos found online. She manually transforms these found objects to make them visually appealing. Through laughter, poetry and art, she seeks to offer a gentle approach to ignored realities of society. Her self-publishing activity, which began in 2019, is a way for her to document her ephemeral works, but also a creative medium in its own right. All her publications and objects are delicately handmade by herself, in limited editions.
For sales&more informations, please contact me. ✎
France: Le Plac'Art Photo, Livrairie Yvon Lambert, 本 \hon\ books, Librairie Lame, H13 Bookshop Ireland: The Library Project Sweden: Malmö Konsthall Norway: Pamflett, Litteraturhuset Bergen
Book fairs
-Paris Ass Book Fair, Lafayette Anticipations, Paris, France
-Bergen Art Book Fair, Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen, Norway
-TRAFIC, FRAC Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Marseille, France
-Malmö Artist's Book Biennial, Victoria Theatre, Malmö, Sweden
-Bergen Art Book Fair, Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen, Norway (online)
-Shanghai Art Book Fair, M50, Shanghai, China
-Paris Ass Book Fair, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France (online)
-Bergen Art Book Fair, Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen, Norway
-Wiels Art Book Fair, Wiels Contemporary Art Centre, Bruxelles
Selected shows
-in a maze artists books and publications, M. K. Čiurlionis National Museum of Art, Vilnius, Lithuania
-Book nomad, Northing Space, Bergen, Norway
-solo show "The Shameful Chrysanthemum", Northing Space, Bergen, Norway
-Werkstatthaus Papiere, Werkstatthaus, Stuttgart, Germany
-Bazar sous terre, La Mazane, Paris, France
-Book Nomad, University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austria
-Un ciseau à soie, Atelier W, Pantin, France
-Balade Invisible II, Galerie Planète Rouge, Paris, France
-Miracle, Zaye, Paris, France
-solo show, “Les fleurs”, jardin du Carrousel, Paris, France
-solo show, “Les fleurs”, la Nuit Blanche 2016, Jardin du Carrousel, Paris, France
-solo show "Les fleurs", la Nuit Blanche 2015, Jardin du Carrousel, Paris, France
-Ringono, La Général, Paris, France
-Nyama Nyama 2015 - Semaine Artistique de Diébougou, Burkina Faso
-En tête 02, 6B, Saint-Denis, France
-En tête, 6B, Saint-Denis, France
-solo show, Lagalerie, Paris, France
-solo show, Galerie Bansard, Paris, France
-solo show, La Miroiterie, Paris, France
-Novembre à Vitry, Galerie Municipale, Vitry-sur-Seine, France
-NAC, La Maison de la Culture du Japon, Paris, France
Public collections
-Ha, 2022 ✌︎ Collection of Bibliothèque Kandinsky, the documentation and research centre of the Centre Pompidou - Musée national d’art moderne, Paris, France.
-Lands that shed tears, 2019 ✌︎ Public collection of the Klingspor Museum, Offenbach, Germany.
Awards, residencies
Artist in residency, Pamflett, Bergen, Norway
Cornish Family Prize for Art and Design Publishing (Short-listed. Final selection in March 2020), National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia
Académie des Beaux-Arts - Paul-Louis Weiller Award for sculpture, Académie des Beaux-Arts, Paris
Artist in residency, Galleri Svalbard, Norway
Artist in residency, Cité Internationales des Arts, Paris
Paris prize, Musashino Art University, Tokyo
Prize of the Laboratory, Musashino Art University, Tokyo
Musashino Art University, Tokyo, Japan
University of Tokyo, Japan
For sales&more informations, please contact me.
Montreuil, France
© 2024 Sayo Senoo